Jenipher Chitate, MBA, CPA, CMA, DUT

Motivational Speaker, Trainer & Business Consultant

Jenipher is a riveting speaker who stands out from the rest. She brings a combination of strong technical expertise, flexibility, creativity, resilience, industry, academic and life experiences uniquely blended and unparalleled by most. Jenipher has more than 15 years of solid professional experience including management and leadership roles. She holds a Diploma in University Teaching (DUT) and is pursuing her PhD in Leadership.

Jenipher understands the desire for customer-centric value-added services. She takes time to understand clients’ needs and provide a tangible value proposition with more substance that outlives her direct engagement with you. She understands Return on Investment.

She brings something different – diversity of experiences and uniqueness that is not easy to duplicate. There are very few accountants that have university teaching and industry experience who offer motivational speaking services and/or leadership seminars in the topics that the company provides.

She speaks from a point of knowledge and an acute understanding of the fact that “all roads to success lead to leadership – leadership of one’s self, people, planet, and profit”. The heart is at the core of leadership therefore her mantra is to lead from the heart and connect from heart to heart regardless. She advocates for leadership anchored in integrity, expertise and compassion. Profits are important — BUT our world needs and calls for much more.

Jenipher Chitate (image)


  • CCSBE (Canadian Council for Small Business & Entrepreneurship)
  • CPA New Brunswick
  • CPA Nova Scotia
Member of CAPS